Shannen Doherty, who can't pay someone to be her friend lately, went to the cops to complain about papparazzi following her but the cops had no idea who she was and dismissed the claim. (CelebNewsWire)
Jay Leno's last day as host on NBC's The Tonight Show will be May 29, 2008, and the network is charging an arm, a leg and a sexual organ for advertising. (Jossip)
Ryan Seacrest got bit by a baby shark and he lived to tell about it. I guess even the shark thought he tasted awful. (dListed)
Matt Damon is using this summer to lose all the weight he put on for The Informant and launch a chairty called the One X One Foundation. (ICYDK)
Hayden Panettiere was obviously disgusted by all the hand shaking she had to do at Comic Con over the weekend. (CelebSlam)Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2008/07/entertainment-news-july-29-2008.html
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