I called it and it finally happened; John Mayer dumped Jennifer Aniston after a brief relationship hiatus. The two thought that if they maybe took a break (a la Friends) they'd miss each other so much that they'd get back together and get married. Yeah, that didn't happen.
I mean, just take a look at John; he's in his prime, he went from pure geek in high school to a hard body who can get laid at the drop of a hat, so why would he tie himself down to anyone, let alone a woman who seems more desperate to get married and have kids than she is to find a man to love?
Anyway, John will stick with his groupies and rumor has it that Jennifer is already dating someone else, so stay tuned for the saga.Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2008/08/jennifer-aniston-john-mayer-break-up.html
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