Chris Brown is apparently attending anger management classes because his people believe it'll make him look good in the eyes of the public after he beat the crap out of girlfriend Rihanna.
What makes me laugh about this story is that people are acting as though Rihanna was sitting in the car, playing a harp and gazing lovingly at Chris Brown when he decided that it was high time she got a taste of his fist.
Now I've never met Rihanna and I do believe that violence is never the right way to go, but people, come on... Chris Brown comes from a violent background (he watched his stepdad beat on his mom) so I'm sure he didn't want to walk down that same path. Add to that the fact that he ended up beating on an equally famous singer, and it's obvious that Chris Brown truly saw red. This has ruined his career and, potentially, his life considering a lot of men (famous ones at that) want to come to Rihanna's defense.
Whatever the fight was about, it was enough that Chris Brown unleashed hell on a woman, and Rihanna didn't deserve the beating, but let's all stop with the here say and wait for some real information.Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2009/02/chris-brown-attends-anger-management.html
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