Britney Spears is making parents crazy once again with her new single, "If U Seek Amy". If you haven't figured it out yet, if you say it slowly, it translates into F-U-C-K Me.
Yup, that clever little Britney Spears has all these little tweens singing "If U Seek Amy" loud and proud, which is pretty sad. Parents have to listen to their little kids singing the song and having no idea what they're actually singing.
I mean, we had "Like A Virgin" and we were pretty oblivious, but this might be taking things a step further. If you listen to the song, it's pretty blatant that Britney Spears is asking to be f*&^ed.
Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2009/03/britney-spears-if-u-seek-amy-video.html
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