A post originally planned for Style Maniac bore the title "I Hate February" because usually (thanks to lousy weather and sunlight deprivation) I do. But this blog and the amazing support from my family and friends...and their families and friends... and their families and friends ... made February 2009 a very different month. A sincere thanks to all who emailed, commented and most of all visited Style Maniac in the past weeks. I look forward to getting to know many of you and hopefully continuing to delight and inspire all of you.
p.s. In response to several inquiries, here is how to Comment on the blog: Click on the word "comments" beneath any post. A form pops up where you can type your message and either sign your name or choose "anonymous."
Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2009/03/i-didn-hate-february.html
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