What to do when cabin fever strikes but it's still bitter cold outside? Bundle up and head to a chic spot with a cozy fireplace. I recently asked some stylish friends (and loyal blog readers) to share such a spot in their hometown and the answers came back in a flash. In CHICAGO Beth recommends The Violet Hour for sleek winter cocktails. Cass likes ASHEVILLE's Grove Park Inn for its myriad fireplaces and amazing views. And in WAYNE, the hot spot for a winter gathering is the rustic yet elegant bar at Georges' (thanks, Jenn, for the tip).
Add your favorite spots (and find out my PHILADELPHIA pick) in the Comments section below or go to the Style Maniac Facebook Page to contribute photos and links. Cheers!
Top photo via theviolethour.com; bottom left photo via Backgrounds. Bottom right photo of the Grove Park Inn courtesy Amy at She Wears Many Hats. Visit her blog for more images and a lovely profile of the Inn.
Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2010/01/fire-ice.html
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