want : chanel bag

    not many people could afford high-to-kill priced accessories, so those who wanna still be chic but with little budget, will find some way to get them under the spot light.
    here's one tip, do your own version of famous bag. not copy, just do it with your own humor.
    i've made my own version of the spring 2010 Chanel petanque set, and the chain bag below is my next diy bag plan
    貴鬆鬆的配件不是每個人都負擔得起的,你很省但又想要變時尚,那就找方法來成為目光焦點吧 現在很流行把有名的包包翻作成自己專屬款,記得加入點幽默感,能讓缏人覺得有趣,這樣專屬包款就徹底的成功了
    and this is that bag that i've redone in my own version
    之前看到Alexa Chung在2010秋冬香奈兒秀上帶的法式滾球盒,我就忍不住想做一個給自己
    basically, it looks a little bit like this set
    using little materials, with only 5 US dollars, you can stand under the spotlight. everyone will say, " how clever is that girl!" but gotta remember, your dress need to be very fashion forward
    or you'll be the joke of the year

    via Jak & Jil Extravaganzi 紙箱王Source URL: https://thesoap-box.blogspot.com/2010/05/want-chanel-bag.html
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