Alberta Ferretti fall winter 2010 campaign : Jac Jagaciak, Sigrid Agren

    like i've said before, the 90's photograph always gives me a special feeling. a very misterious, far way from distance air crash stops the time, halo covers everything. the glory spreads out when you give it a sneak. and people in the picture are Baroque statues, somehow they stay, meanwhile they move, which movement is beautiful but hard to seize. i think Paolo Roversi miss the 90's a lot, his recent work shows.

    model : Jac Jagaciak, Sigrid Agren
    photograph : Paolo Roversi
    stylist : Anastasia Barbieri

    我非常喜歡九零年代的攝影。那時候的風格好似凝重的空氣將影像中的一切真空包覆,光芒周旋於所有事物中,當你越看得入神,光就同水波般慢慢滲出、越顯明亮。而人物如同巴洛克時期的雕像,亦動亦靜。你知道他們動態的存在,卻很難用言語形容,也難以捉摸。這些神祕的元素使得每個畫面都值得留戀,Paolo Roversi想是懷念九零年代的氛圍多時,他最近常常把當時的故事帶到現在的工作中,讓我感染不少戀舊情結。

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