Man Dies After Viagra-Induced Sex Marathon

    Two women in Moscow bet their male friend Sergey Tuganov that he couldn't keep up with them during a 12-hour sex marathon and he took that bet: the wager? $4,300.

    So Sergey Tuganov did what any red-blooded man would do and he downed an entire bottle of Viagra and got to work. And guess what? He won. He banged those chicks into next week easily and took home the money. Problem is, he died minutes later.

    Alina, one of the two female participants, said they called Moscow police after he fell and passed out but it was already too late. Sergey Tuganov, the 28-year-old mechanic from Moscow, died of a heart attack.

    Some men might say that it was pretty good way to go. But I have yet to figure out how anyone could think that downing a bottle of Viagra was a good idea. BTW, the picture above... yeah, that's not them.Source URL:
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