STEP ONE: Go to Claudio's (924 South Ninth Street), preferably on a weekday to avoid the crowds. Wander past the hanging provolone and racks of olive oil ...
... sample goodies from the olive bar ...
... while you wait for Sal to slice paper-thin prosciutto ...
... or Ben to scoop up mounds of pillowy soft fresh mozzarella (made on premises).
Before leaving, stock up on a hunk of parmigiano-reggiano for tomorrow night's dinner.
STEP TWO: Pick up a bag of baby arugula from the farmstand near Anthony's Coffee House (at a fraction of the cost of Whole Foods up the street).
STEP THREE: Stop by Sarcone's (758 South Ninth Street) for a seeded loaf.
Go early (they sell out every single day).
STEP FOUR: Once home, arrange the washed arugula in a bowl. Top with curls of prosciutto and slabs of mozzarella.
STEP FIVE: Crack open a bottle of J. Lohr chardonnay, grab the bread, head out to the backyard with someone you love and toast to a soft summer evening in the city.
Photos by Doreen Creede. Salad inspired by Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers' Italian Two Easy cookbook.
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